oil: Ib & Central Cyber Security Agencies Join Probe Into Oil Ransomware Attack | Guwahati News


Dibrugarh: The Intelligence Bureau (IB) and two of the country’s leading cybersecurity agencies – the Indian Computer Emergency Team (CERT-In) and the National Center for Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (NCIIPC) – have joined the investigation into the ransomware attack. and at the State Investigator Headquarters Oil India Limited (OIL) in Dulian in Dibrugarh County in Upper Assam.
Two representatives of each of these agencies arrived in Duliajan on Friday to join the investigation led by local police. Anonymous hackers demanded a ransom of $ 7.5 million from OIL to rebuild the affected network.
CERT-In is a national nodal agency that deals with cyber security threats such as hacking and phishing. NCIIPC is a national nodal agency dealing with the protection of critical information infrastructure. It is a unit of the National Organization for Technical Research under the Office of the Prime Minister.
To add teeth to the investigation, OIL has also specifically hired the services of a private cyber security agency based in Delhi with an international exposure.
OIL spokesman Tridiv Khazarika said on Saturday: “Our production and drilling operations are functioning normally. Our communication network is also not affected because we have an alternative computer network to deal with such emergencies. Most of the data is secure because we were able to isolate the infected servers … we suspect it was the work of international hackers. ”

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