FBI thwarts cyberthreat against Boston Children’s Hospital by hackers sponsored by Iranian government


Iranian-sponsored hackers attempted to enter Boston Children’s Hospital computer systems last year; however, they were stopped with the help of the Boston branch of the FBI, officials said Wednesday. FBI Director Christopher A. Wray spoke about the incident during a speech at the sixth annual Boston Conference on Cyber ​​Security at Boston College. He called the incident “one of the most disgusting cyber attacks I have ever seen.” In the summer of 2021, the FBI said officials had received a report from another intelligence agency that foreign hackers were targeting Boston Children’s Hospital. FBI agents contacted the hospital on August 3, 2021, and gave officers advice on cyber security. For the next 10 days, the Boston branch of the FBI coordinated and met with hospital officials to address concerns about the threat. ” “Wray said. Wray used the example as a reminder to organizations to have an incident response plan involving the FBI. A series of attacks on Boston Children’s Hospital in 2014 disrupted the hospital network for about a week. The attacks were launched in an attempt to influence hospital treatment of the case of Justine Pelletier – a teenager who was the subject of a high custody battle. An FBI investigation led to the 2019 hacker’s conviction and verdict.

Iranian-sponsored hackers attempted to enter Boston Children’s Hospital computer systems last year; however, they were stopped with the help of the Boston branch of the FBI, officials said Wednesday.

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray spoke about the incident during a speech at the sixth annual Boston Conference on Cyber ​​Security at Boston College. He called the incident “one of the most disgusting cyber attacks I have ever seen”.

In the summer of 2021, the FBI said officials had received a report from another intelligence agency that foreign hackers were targeting Boston Children’s Hospital.

FBI agents contacted the hospital on August 3, 2021, and gave officers advice on cyber security.

Over the next 10 days, the Boston branch of the FBI coordinated and met with hospital officials to address concerns about the threat.

“The quick actions of everyone involved, especially at the hospital, protected both the network and the sick children who depended on it,” Wray said.

Wray used the example as a reminder to organizations that they have an incident response plan that includes the FBI.

A series of attacks on Boston Children’s Hospital in 2014 disrupted the hospital network for about a week.

The attacks were launched in an attempt to influence hospital treatment of the case of Justine Pelletier – a teenager who was the subject of a major custody battle.

An FBI investigation led to the 2019 hacker’s conviction and verdict.

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