How can we define the futures of Cybersecurity


Defining the future of cybersecurity is really like writing the script for a sci-fi movie. What we currently understand as cyber security may not be relevant in the future. Familiar cybercrime modus operandi such as identity theft, identity theft, ransomware, DDoS attacks and data breaches will be easily mitigated by integrated and collaborative strategies involving government agencies, awareness drives, improved application design, maturing operating systems and tighter information security . about companies. Such rapid developments will catch those planning a career in cyber security off guard. Today’s unknown or lesser known will shape the future of cyber security. The world is preparing for the next level of digital revolution. What we don’t see around us as the general public are self-driving cars, cryptocurrencies, robotics, IoT and BlockChain. They will be a part of our lives sooner than we expect. This will lead to more challenging, complex and damaging cybercrimes.

We need a three-pronged approach to envision the future of cybersecurity with the goal of these new technologies quickly becoming an integral part of our lives. We can call it WWW access. “Why, what and who” are key considerations in this approach. It can be elaborated by answering: “Why adopt?”, “What can go wrong?” and “Who will protect?” questions.

Self Driving Cars

We know very well why to adopt self-driving cars. Billions are going into research and development to replace human drivers. Better road safety, comfort and quality of life are the answers to the question “Why adopt them”. We have to understand what can go wrong. It’s not system errors that cause accidents. Even if we have a perfectly functioning self-driving vehicle system, things can go wrong. It can be terrorists who take control of a vehicle to carry out an attack or hackers who steal big data compromising user privacy and security. Here’s what will determine who will protect. That will require a different kind of cybersecurity expert. The security of the software, the central servers and the power of the communication network will be significant factors that determine its cyber security. Today’s generation of cyber security professionals may be able to take care of software and central server security because they are trained to deal with DDoS attacks and data breach attempts. We will need a large number of experts to secure communication protocols with an innovative approach. This will require harmonizing the educational curriculum with the requirements of the profession.

The IoT revolution

Humanity has discovered the potential of the Internet as a democratization of information among people. He further envisioned the creation of the Internet of Things, popularly known as IoT. The next wave of Internetization is about things ranging from home appliances, vehicles, agricultural equipment, soil sensors, irrigation equipment, water management, medical devices, surveillance equipment and industrial robots to weapons. AI assistance, quality of life, operational efficiency and timely response are the answers to the question “Why adopt IoT”. It is scary to know how easily we can visualize “What can go wrong with IoT”. Any malicious manipulation can damage the human race more than any weapon of destruction invented to date. Most cyber security professionals are good at dealing with current threats mainly related to DDoS, Ransomware, SQL injection or application security. To determine “who can protect,” we will need a different breed of cybersecurity professionals who can work on sensor-level protocols, digital signal processing, and security. Accordingly, our engineering courses will have to be modified and a lot of content will have to be developed on the simulation front.

Crypto economy

World economies are in a big dilemma about the legitimacy of cryptocurrency. Whether economists like it or not, cryptocurrencies and stock markets are a reality. Cryptocurrency is a complex topic for the general public. They are curious, experiment and speculate about it. Every now and then, a cryptocurrency scam hits the headlines. Some governments are wary of their inclusion in their mainstream economy, and some deny it. Cybercrime in a conspiracy of fake cryptocurrencies, speculative schemes, money laundering and terrorist financing will potentially destroy economies. We will need a generation of cyber police to protect economies and ensure fair play to answer the question of “who will protect”. Analysis will require 10X Interpol Big Data.

Many other developments will shape the future of cybersecurity. The future of cyber security will be a roller coaster ride.

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