How do cyber attacks happen?

What are major cyber attacks? LivingSocial - in 2014, the company suffered a security breach that revealed names, email addresses and password data to up to 50 million of its users. Adobe - in 2013, hackers gained access to Adobe

What are different types of ransomware?

A botnet (short for "botnet") is a network of malware-infected computers that are under the control of a single attacker, known as a "bot herder". Each individual machine under the control of the bot shepherd is known as a bot. Why are

What do cyber attacks do?

Kevin Mitnick, the world's most famous actor, will use straightforward examples to show how criminals use it. on the level of trust of your employee through social engineering. What are 4 ways to protect yourself from cyber attacks?

What do you do after ransomware?

Researchers report that the latest strain of Spora ransomware, a highly sophisticated version of malware, can now spread via USB thumb drives. What happens when a company gets hit with ransomware? When your company is being held by

What are the examples of malware?

People get shingles when the varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, is reactivated in their body after they have already gotten over chickenpox. What are 4 examples of malware? Here is a list of common types of malware and

Who is the number 1 Hacker?

Convictions for violating the CFAA can result in federal prison terms of up to five or ten years, or longer, as well as fines. Victims of computer hacking can also sue in civil court for damages (money). Penalty varies for violations of

What crimes can you commit online?

Careful or not, some online searches could land you in jail - or at least be questioned by the authorities. With an increase in cybersecurity, law enforcement officers are keeping an eye on certain internet search terms and logging the IP

What to do if you click on malware?

Can you get malware just by clicking on a link? What happens if you click on a phishing link? Clicking on a phishing link or opening an attachment in one of these messages can install malware, such as viruses, spyware, or ransomware,