Phishing Scams are the Most Common Cyber Attack, Says FBI


An FBI report shows worrying trends in cyber security

The FBI’s report on cybercrime comes out once a year, and has recently shown some worrying trends in cybersecurity. Namely, that it is more and more represented from year to year.

In addition to the exponential growth of complaints about cyber-attacks and the money lost due to such cyber-attacks, the FBI found that phishing scams were the most widespread in significant quantities.

Of the nearly 850,000 complaints filed with the FBI regarding cyber-attacks, more than one-third (323,972) related to phishing scams, and the next in frequency are non-payment scams with only 82,478 complaints. What’s worse, a specific subset of this category, Business Email Compromise (BEC) – a phishing scam against a company used to infiltrate its data and operations – makes 19,954 complaints, resulting in a loss of $ 2.4 billion in 2021 . years.

“The business email compromise continues to grow and evolve, targeting small local businesses to larger corporations and personal transactions,” the FBI wrote in a report.

Suffice it to say that companies need to be especially careful when it comes to upholding their cybersecurity standards to prevent significant losses. So what can you do?

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