Barton launches Cyber Security program


Given that technology controls almost every aspect of our lives, it is no surprise that the field of cybersecurity is evolving rapidly and Barton responded to this trend by introducing his Cybersecurity Program, which began enrolling students for the fall semester of 2022 and is fully available online. In addition to this exciting development, the Computer Science Program is now available fully online.

Executive Director of Workforce Training and Economic Development Mary Foley said job prospects and demand for cybersecurity workers have made program development attractive to the college and its students.

“According to a report on job prospects in Kansas, the projected employment prospects in the field of information security have an upward trend and are expected to increase by 15.6% by 2026 or approximately 1.5% annually,” she said. “The projected average salary is $ 66,880.”

Cyber ​​Security Instructor dr. Robert Davis has had a long career in several fields including military security, finance and computer science, as well as education in these fields. He said he was excited to give students the tools they need to keep information safe for everyone.

“It is imperative that students get the tools of methods to reduce and eliminate the risk of cyber-attacks and prepare them for jobs in cyber security,” he said. “This program will provide students with information on how to achieve basic security goals such as authentication, authorization, access control, confidentiality, data integrity, and non-denial using secure systems and design principles. Students will learn about major security breaches that have occurred over the years, such as those that threaten the data of large companies including Target, JPMorgan Chase, Yahoo and Equifax, and how to build countermeasures to defend against such attacks. ”

Davis said that it is important to understand that violations are not only related to computers and finances. Communal, energy and computer systems that control literally everything can be vulnerable and cause major problems.

“A major breach of Target’s data security occurred after network login credentials were stolen from Target’s third-party heating and air conditioning suppliers. The breakthrough that revealed the financial data of the clients happened because the hackers were able to enter through Target’s HVAC system. So if you have home settings related to your phone or other device and you can control the heating and air settings, turn the lights on or off or unlock the door, you need to be concerned about security. ”

In addition to an attractive salary, Davis said job security is another career advantage in this area.

“According to a 2021 article in Cybercrime Magazine by Steve Morgan, ‘There is a huge need for cybersecurity workers in the next decade. In 2021, there were 3.5 million job openings for cyber security. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the information security analyst will be the tenth fastest growing occupation in the next decade, with an employment growth rate of 31 percent compared to an average growth rate of four percent for all occupations. “

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