Legendary hackers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek talk cybersecurity and autonomous vehicles at TC Sessions: Mobility 2022 – TechCrunch


Security researchers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek rocked the automotive industry in 2015 by remotely hacking a Jeep Cherokee driven by Wired journalist and willing participant, Andy Greenberg. The infamous hack led to Fiat Chrysler, Jeep’s parent company, withdrawing 1.4 million vehicles and paying a $ 105 million fine to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The warning may have been a wake-up call to the industry, but it did not slow the rise of the connected car.

Today, the “connected car” is common and provides a long list of services to the driver and passengers, from internet connection and vehicle monitoring to security alerts and the ability to purchase goods and services while on the go. And it has crept beyond passenger vehicles into the emerging autonomous vehicle industry.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, automotive cyber attacks have increased in frequency – more than 225% in 2021 compared to 2018. This is a trend that has caused a boon in the automotive cyber security market, which is projected to reach $ 5.3 billion in 2026 . years.

We are therefore delighted to announce that Miller and Valasek – the undisputed industry leaders who both have the highest security roles in GM’s cruise vehicle subsidiary – will join us on stage at TC Sessions: Mobility 2022 to discuss the dynamic and rapidly changing areas of automotive cyber security. The two-day event is scheduled for May 18 and 19 in San Mateo, California, and will feature the best and smartest minds building and investing in the future of transportation.

A prominent security engineer, Miller – whom Foreign Policy called “one of the most technically experienced hackers on Earth” – designs and implements cyber security features for the company’s autonomous vehicles.

Prior to joining Cruise, Miller worked as a computer hacker at the National Security Agency, and consulted and worked for computer security teams on Twitter, Uber ATG and Didi Chuxing.

As director of security engineering at Cruise, Valasek oversees the safety of vehicles, infrastructure and applications. He also has extensive experience in reverse engineering and exploitation research. Prior to joining Cruise, Valasek was head of security at Uber and previously director of vehicle safety research at IOActive.

Don’t miss the extensive talk about the journey that led Miller and Valasek from that Jeep Cherokee to the Cruise, what needs to happen before the public confides in driverless vehicles, the types of threats they see, industry trends and what they’ve been learning since 2015.

TC Sessions: Mobility 2022 is breaking through in popularity and going beyond the headlines to discover how the fusion of technology and transportation will affect a wide range of industries, cities and the people who work and live in them. Register today before the price increase on April 1!

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