SANS Institute: Benchmark in cybersecurity training solutions


Explain the unique value proposition of SANS as you elaborate on its portfolio of services.

As one of the most trusted and currently the largest cyber security training providers worldwide, SANS’ ongoing mission is to educate and empower individuals with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to make our world a safer place.

Our renowned instructors – all active cybersecurity practitioners – teach more than 60 courses at global in-person and virtual cybersecurity events. GIAC, a subsidiary of the SANS Institute, validates practitioner skills through more than 35 practical technical certifications in cyber security. Moreover, SANS Institute of Technology offers Masters and Diplomas as well as Diplomas in Cyber ​​Security.

SANS Security Awareness provides organizations with a complete and comprehensive security awareness solution that teaches them to manage their “human” cyber security risks with ease. SANS also delivers a wealth of free resources to the InfoSec community, including webcasts, podcasts, newsletters, consensus projects, and research reports, and operates the Internet Storm Center, an Internet early warning system.

Our data, research and interactive methods ensure that individuals and organizations, small and large, have the effective education and support they need – be it training courses, webinars, networking events and more.

How does SANS train cybersecurity professionals for the jobs of the future?

A fascinating and dynamic field, cybersecurity is vitally important at a time when both the threat landscape and the number of malicious actors are expanding amid a widening global talent gap. Due to the lack of skilled personnel available in the labor market, it is a challenge for organizations to find the right talent to fill these roles.

Our SANS Foundations course can bridge this gap by exposing students to the essential principles of cyber security, shaping the start of their IT education and career. SANS Foundations offers the fundamental IT and computing knowledge and skills that are integral to a future career in cyber security. It teaches students a wide range of fundamentals in computer hardware, networking, Linux, operating systems, data storage, and more. The skills gained are applicable to anyone in an IT, computing or security role.

Alternatively, our Cyber ​​​​Immersion Academies support organizations in discovering internal cybersecurity talent in their existing employees by retraining and upskilling them.

Ever since the world moved towards digital platforms, phishing and data security threats have been a constant for corporate bodies. How do SANS simulation training programs equip professionals with the skills to counter these threats?

Today, as we are more digitally connected than ever, phishing is the primary attack method used by cybercriminals. An essential and effective way organizations can promote action against this threat is to include identity theft simulation in their cyber security awareness training.

As part of our SANS Security Awareness curriculum, we offer phishing awareness simulation training. The SANS Phishing Platform enables organizations to control every aspect of their phishing awareness program with pre-configured or customizable phishing tests, just-in-time training and automated remedial courses. It enables professionals to detect and flag areas of risk, communicate how an organization should handle identity theft, and promote secure email practices.

As a corporate leader and visionary in the cybersecurity space, how do you envision the sector expanding and the role SANS will play in this growth story?

No day is the same in cyber security; every day brings new developments, patches and threats. Therefore, it is crucial for professionals in this industry to continuously learn, train and improve in dealing with these risks. Cyber ​​security will remain one of the most relevant professions of all time as digitization and, therefore, the development of cyber crime. However, there is a large skills gap and talent shortage.

A robust cybersecurity posture is required in all industries; that’s where SANS comes in. SANS’ mission is to address the issue by encouraging young people to become part of this evolving industry and motivating existing professionals to upgrade their current skills and knowledge to meet the demands of the sector.

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