UCCS celebrates expansion of Cybersecurity Center | News


UCCS is celebrating the expansion of its Center for Cyber ​​Security Education and Research by cutting the ribbon on Thursday morning.

According to a new edition released by UCCS, the $ 7 million, 26,000-square-foot expansion of Kevin W. O’Neil’s Cyber ​​Security Education and Research Center will house “state-of-the-art cybersecurity education and research facilities for UCCS students, faculty and community partners, including laboratories, classrooms, computer centers, conference rooms, offices and facilities equipped for distance learning. ”

Davidson, which, among other things, deals with cyber security, has dedicated the cyber research laboratory to the expanded research center, it is stated in the press release.

We are extremely pleased to be able to support Davidson Technologies, Inc. (Davidson) Research Laboratory at UCCS Kevin W. O’Neil Cybersecurity Education & Research Center. This will provide students and colleges with high-quality opportunities to follow leading cybersecurity research, ”said Davidson President, CEO and President John W. Holly.

Davidson is also the center’s “strategic partner,” working to continue to improve “cyber security in defense of our nation’s security,” the statement said.

A statement from UCCS noted that cybersecurity jobs are some of the fastest growing career areas in the country, something said the center is ready to help involve students and the community through partnerships that expand education and the workforce.

The ribbon-cutting will be held on May 5 at 7:30 a.m. at the Research Center, located at 3650 N. Nevada Ave. It will feature speakers including Mayor John Suthers, UCCS Chancellor Venkat Reddy and Chris Inglis, the first U.S. National Cyber ​​Director and Chief Advisor to the President for Cyber ​​Security Policy and Strategy.

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